Reminders to Myself

Reminders to Myself

She won’t be four forever. That’s my reminder to myself when I hear footsteps in the hallway and then see my littlest girl tumbling into my room. The clock says it’s time for me to get up; I typically spend an hour working each morning before my...
What It Means to be a Fan

What It Means to be a Fan

I picture him at eleven years old, brown hair sticking out from his ball cap, watching baseball on TV on a spring afternoon. He’s sitting on the edge of his seat. When a play goes well, he whoops. But when a player strikes out, he takes off his cap and throws...
Defining Moments

Defining Moments

Early morning and my littlest girl asks for a snuggle. I’m already dressed, I’ve been up for hours, but she’s sleepy and a little whiny so I pull back the covers and climb into bed beside her. I can’t stay long. The other girls are waiting for...
One of the Coolest Stories from Our Summer

One of the Coolest Stories from Our Summer

School starts in two days. At the beginning of the summer, the girls and I made a list of the fun things we wanted to do during their break from school. They wanted to swim a lot, have lots of friends over, go to the library regularly, and go to a waterpark. They...