by Elizabeth Johnson | Nov 10, 2017 | Book Launch
Everything we’ve been told about women succeeding in the workplace―from leaning in to throwing out the idea of being “nice girls”―misses the true key that puts women ahead: influence. The thing is, we gain more from our efforts when we focus on achieving influence, as...
by Guest Author | Jan 22, 2014 | Leadership
Or do you tend to yield? Do you give power away to your talented people? Veronika, a manager in a global drug research and development company, woke up one morning and recognized that 20 percent of her employees were doing 80 percent of the thinking. She was concerned...
by Becky Robinson | Aug 30, 2012 | Inspiration
I’m not afraid to let people know who I am. In fact, I sometimes feel like I am too open about my insecurities, doubts, and struggles. And yet — I find myself telling it like it is: to current clients and trusted advisers and also to potential clients, to team...
by Becky Robinson | Sep 7, 2009 | Leadership
It was early December 2008 when I sat down at my computer and saw the breaking news about then-governor Rod Blagojevich’s arrest on corruption charges. For the weeks leading up to the arrest, my husband, Eric, a law enforcement officer, had been more secretive...