The True Value of an Email List

The True Value of an Email List

Yesterday, while talking with a friend and potential client, I heard myself use a phrase that makes me cringe now, upon reflection: “The money is in the list.” I’m cringing now because, as my almost-eleven year old daughter is fond of saying lately,...
Follow Friday to Stronger Relationships

Follow Friday to Stronger Relationships

Follow Friday, along with the hashtag #ff, is one of the most widely used practices for building relationships on Twitter. On Fridays, you have the chance to give a shout out to people you respect, admire, or appreciate. Depending on how much time you want to spend,...
Get to Know Someone New

Get to Know Someone New

Involvement in social media is all about relationships. Social media is about relationships. The short answer to the question “Why social media?” is relationships. When you participate in social media, you create an opportunity for buidling and...
5 Tips about Connecting

5 Tips about Connecting

These five tips focus on connecting with others. Social media is all about relationships. If you want to build an online presence for yourself or for your business, connecting to others in relationship must be a core priority. You can implement these tips during the...
The Most Important People

The Most Important People

Not long ago, a wise friend sat across the table from me. “The most important people in your life,” she said, “are not on Tweetdeck.” I took out my pen and wrote down her words. I didn’t need to. Her words seared into my memory. I will...