6 Ways to Improve Blog Post Visibility

6 Ways to Improve Blog Post Visibility

If you have a blog, you want people to read it. You probably aren’t writing just for yourself, otherwise you’d keep it offline. And you probably want more than just your mom and few good friends to read it. You want people to comment and share it with others. And you...
Why Promoting a Book is Not Promoting Yourself

Why Promoting a Book is Not Promoting Yourself

From time to time, I work with a client who is uncomfortable with self-promotion. If you want to write, publish, and market a book, you will need to get used to the idea of promotion, but not of yourself. You need to be committed enough to your message to promote it....
Write a 12 Minute Blog Post

Write a 12 Minute Blog Post

Using your list of blog topics, generated yesterday, choose a topic for writing today. (Didn’t spend 12 minutes brainstorming yesterday? Do it now!) Today’s tip is designed to help you push past any resistance you have about blogging. Sometimes, starting a...