Featured on Friday {Fanfare}: @btreasurer

Featured on Friday {Fanfare}: @btreasurer

Remember last year when I told you  about the new website our team designed and created for Bill High? Well, they’ve been at it again! New year, new website for one of our long-time friends of the Weaving Influence team, Bill Treasurer. Fun Fact! Bill was our...
Featured on Friday: #The3Gaps by @hyrumwsmith

Featured on Friday: #The3Gaps by @hyrumwsmith

It’s a new year… the time for setting goals and thinking about what you want to accomplish in 2016. I certainly have a list of ideas and dreams that I’d like to see become a reality this year, but more than padding a savings account or losing those...
Group Projects: The Then & Now

Group Projects: The Then & Now

While in school—whether middle school, high school, or college—I always dreaded “group projects” where the grade was shared among all group members. It felt so wrong, unjust even, to give everyone the same grade regardless of how much they contributed. Oftentimes, I...