Lessons from 50 Book Launches

Lessons from 50 Book Launches

Since early 2012, my team and I have helped to launch 50 books, mostly business/leadership titles. We’ve worked with a variety of authors, with a combination of first time and veteran authors. We’ve done a mix of traditionally published and self-published...
What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

It wasn’t until a thick envelope arrived in my office via FedEx that the issue of copyright infringement of images came into clear focus for me. When I started blogging in 2009, we rarely incorporated images and I relied on the expertise of the university who...
Celebrating – Do We Need an Excuse?

Celebrating – Do We Need an Excuse?

I couldn’t wait to have an excuse to share these fun photos of our Web Development Manager, John Marcello, jumping in his new Weaving Influence t-shirt. He posted them to our team Facebook page over the weekend and I laughed, joyfully. A t-shirt, with a logo. It...
How to Get a Hundred Amazon Reviews in One Day

How to Get a Hundred Amazon Reviews in One Day

This week, my team and I are supporting the launch of Mark Miller’s 5th book, Chess Not Checkers. Since the book opened up for reviews yesterday, more than 100 people have shared Amazon reviews on the book. This completely exceeded even our best assumptions...
How To Get Greater Traction for Your Book

How To Get Greater Traction for Your Book

Thousands of business books are published each year, and few find an audience outside an author’s already existing community of colleagues and friends. We are constantly looking for ways to help our clients’ books create the biggest impact possible by...