by Becky Robinson | Aug 19, 2013 | Book Launch
We pulled into the parking lot and my daughter read the sign out loud “Newcomers, turn on your flashers.” Parking lot attendants directed newcomers’ cars to the parking spots closest to the doors of the church. And as I held my girls’ hands to...
by Becky Robinson | Aug 15, 2013 | Marketing
My daughter bounced in her seat while waiting for the start of the movie, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters. Sea of Monsters is the second movie in a series. While we watched Sea of Monsters, my youngest daughter watched Smurfs 2 with my mother. Preceding the movie:...
by Becky Robinson | Aug 14, 2013 | Inspiration
My mom opened up the box and dumped 1000 pieces out onto the table. We spread out the pieces, and sorted by color and shape. Soon, we had several piles: frame pieces, blue, fence pieces, face pieces, sidewalk, grass. All three of my daughters circled the table. Soon,...
by Becky Robinson | Aug 8, 2013 | Marketing
Many authors focus on the numbers, looking to judge the success of their book promotion efforts quantitatively, with book sales as the all-encompassing measure of success. The big prize: making the New York Times Best Seller List. Authors ask: How many books will I...
by Becky Robinson | Aug 7, 2013 | Leadership
Bill Treasurer has invited bloggers to write about people who have opened doors of opportunity for them as part of his Leadership Opportunity Blog Fest. I’m pleased to participate to draw attention to this simple and powerful leadership concept, inspired by...