Love First, Then Open the Door

Love First, Then Open the Door

We love our staff. Seriously. Love them. That means that we empower them to take risks, catch them when they are falling, cover them when family needs to come first, push them to overcome their own inhibitions, and celebrate with them when they create greatness....
Opening Doors for Others is NOT Chivalry

Opening Doors for Others is NOT Chivalry

It’s a standard some women use to judge the success of a date: did he open doors? I spoke to a friend recently as she recounted a first date. He was wonderful, she said. Did everything right: brought roses, opened doors.  When a man opens doors on a date, we...

Opening the Door to New Opportunities

If you’re a regular reader of Weaving Influence, and if you’re visiting the site for the first time since the weekend, you might be noticing that we’ve made some big changes around here. Exciting, isn’t it? I’m especially excited that our...
Best Book Launch Tips: Stay Centered

Best Book Launch Tips: Stay Centered

This week, my team and I have been lamenting some recent changes to Twitter. As a result of these changes, we need to find new solutions to serve our clients. Here’s an example: we’ve been experimenting with Twitter chats, using an app called Tweetchat....