These Exact Places

These Exact Places

I’m sitting in one of my places, Starbucks on Talmadge. I sit at a round table to the left of the door and I pull up another round table when it’s not crowded because I need room to spread out my work. The Talmadge Starbucks is one of my places; I’ve...
Thankful for: Atlanta Edition

Thankful for: Atlanta Edition

I’m in Atlanta this morning, preparing for a meeting with client. I’ll admit it, I’m a little on the tired side. My day began early yesterday, and ended late. I never sleep well when I’m away from my family, no matter how comfortable the bed....
The Pain of Growing Up

The Pain of Growing Up

She is so articulate. Even as she is crumbling into tears, she can knows exactly what is bothering her and why she’s sad. Today it’s that her sister is going on a field trip during the school day. Natalie won’t be there during lunch and recess to hug...
Thankful for: Saturday Edition

Thankful for: Saturday Edition

Saturdays at our house start off the same way every week: TV for the kids, husband/dad pumping iron, while I grab a few quiet minutes in my office before making chocolate chip pancakes for the girls. Today: no different. Since I love Saturdays, it’s fun that I...