by Becky Robinson | Jun 16, 2012 | Marketing
Yesterday, while talking with a friend and potential client, I heard myself use a phrase that makes me cringe now, upon reflection: “The money is in the list.” I’m cringing now because, as my almost-eleven year old daughter is fond of saying lately,...
by Becky Robinson | Jun 15, 2012 | Inspiration
I’m visiting my parents in Florida this week and I’ve driven them a little bit crazy by wanting to spend time with friends. The list of friends I want to see is much longer than our number of days in Florida, so, sadly, I accepted that it won’t be...
by Becky Robinson | Jun 12, 2012 | Social Media
One of the disadvantages of growing your Twitter following is that your Twitter stream may become a bit unwieldy. Because I follow more than 16 thousand people, mine moves by at a pace almost too fast for me to scan, depending on the time of day. In fact, I do not...
by Becky Robinson | Jun 9, 2012 | Inspiration
A few weeks ago, I went to the doctor. We moved nearly two and a half years ago, and I hadn’t really gotten set up with a new doctor here. Truth be told, I hadn’t really had a doctor in Chicago either — unless you count the OB/GYN who took care of me...
by Becky Robinson | Jun 7, 2012 | Inspiration
Summer break begins. As a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom, I find myself in desperate need of a schedule. The wild ones are back and I need a plan. Scheduling things always sounds like a great idea but ends up being a lot of work. And sticking to the schedule can be...