by Christy Kirk | Apr 21, 2020 | Influence Building
Podcasts have quickly outpaced blogs as the most powerful way to share content right now. According to the New York Times, one in three Americans listen to at least one podcast each month. That’s a sizable audience. If you’ve been thinking about launching a podcast,...
by Whitney Heins | Jun 18, 2019 | Influence Building
When we ask our clients what their media goals are, many say they want Oprah or the front page of the Wall Street Journal. These are lofty goals — and while there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, oftentimes such an elusive placement isn’t all it’s cracked up...
by Whitney Heins | Jun 11, 2019 | Influence Building
If our clients had one thing in common, it would be that they dream of being featured in the Wall Street Journal, or a top-tier national outlet of its ilk. But as more people have this dream, the opportunities for achieving it are shrinking. According to a recent...
by Kristin Gann | Mar 29, 2019 | Influence Building
What is your favorite newsletter to read, and why? I’ll strongly suggest that it’s because of the value you perceive it gives YOU. You find it thought-provoking, inspiring, actionable, or educational. You should write your newsletters with the same value and...
by Kristin Gann | Feb 12, 2019 | Influence Building
On the heels of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, social media users are skeptical now more than ever to trusting influencers. Users are questioning how ads are targeted to them, what links are clickbait, and why the have to share their email address, and more. This...