Heeding the Lessons of Hermine

Heeding the Lessons of Hermine

Want to know what will make you immediately focus your thoughts on the topic of “preparedness”? A direct hit by a Category One hurricane, that’s what! When Hurricane Hermine came ashore near Tallahassee early in the morning on September 2, it was...
Featured On Friday: #WITour2016

Featured On Friday: #WITour2016

I have to say, being part of a virtual team is AWESOME. Not only do I get all the benefits from working from home (from as far as Israel!), but I don’t necessarily miss out on the personal interactions that come from a traditional shared work environment because...
Tips for Building a Social Community

Tips for Building a Social Community

Have you left the “social” out of social media marketing? It’s easy to use social channels as a megaphone to spread the word about a brand, but megaphone marketing doesn’t have much ring to it and delivers very few results. Social works when a brand...
Heeding the Lessons of Hermine

Group Projects: The Then & Now

While in school—whether middle school, high school, or college—I always dreaded “group projects” where the grade was shared among all group members. It felt so wrong, unjust even, to give everyone the same grade regardless of how much they contributed. Oftentimes, I...
Finding the Right Words

Finding the Right Words

I have always loved language. From a young age, I related to the world—and to myself—primarily through words. Whether that meant cuddling up for hours at a time with one of the many Little House on the Prairie Books or, as I grew older, sneaking out of bed to write in...