4 Ways to Test Your Integrity

4 Ways to Test Your Integrity

Matt Lauer. George H.W. Bush. Charlie Rose. Everyday the headlines are filled with accusations of men sexually harassing women. And some of the names are pretty surprising as they are otherwise respected people who have led highly-regarded careers. Clearly, there is a...
Growth Demands a Surrender of Security

Growth Demands a Surrender of Security

“Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.” — Gail Sheehy, New York Times bestselling author There have been so many times that I can admit to being afraid of growth. Fear of the unknown — yeah, that’s a real thing, and I suffer from it...
Why I May or May Not Be a Failure 

Why I May or May Not Be a Failure 

One big failure.  That’s how I’d label myself today if I adhered to the definition of growth I had ten years ago.  Back then I was a television news journalist, and defined growth strictly by numbers—TV market size, rankings, audience reach, newscast time slot, salary...
The Importance of Responsiveness

The Importance of Responsiveness

Responsiveness: Be ready, willing, and available to help when needed. When I interviewed with Becky to join the Weaving Influence team, she asked me what each of Weaving Influence’s core values meant to me. At the time, I was transitioning from working live events; so...