Decision #3: I Will Give Everything

Decision #3: I Will Give Everything

This is the 3rd post in a series about decisions for my business in 2013. You can read Decision #1 here and Decision #2 here.  Of all the book titles I’ve considered for the book I dream of writing some day, my top two favorites are: Give Everything and Use...
Note to Self: Spend More Time Offline

Note to Self: Spend More Time Offline

My life tends to follow a predictable routine: Work, family time, sleep. On the weekends, I add church, time with extended family, housework, and the occasional outing. The past 5 days, however, have been anything but usual. Starting Wednesday, I enjoyed: a train ride...
These Dark Mornings

These Dark Mornings

These dark mornings of fall. I’ve written about it recently. I look at my window, and all I can see is my sleepy self reflected back. The days are shorter, the mornings later, the mornings darker, no sign of a break of light. I get up early, at a time it should...
Thankful for: Pitch Black Edition

Thankful for: Pitch Black Edition

It’s really dark in the morning these days. I can’t see anything in my office window now except a reflection of what’s inside. Still, I am thankful. For the fact that every day is new (56), for the beautiful fall leaves that will be outside my window...