What We Choose

What We Choose

One of the most significant aspects of leading a virtual subcontractor team is the tremendous choice each person has in participating in our work. Each person has chosen to be a part of our team, and chooses in what ways they will participate in the work we do in the...
What to Tweet and Where to Find It

What to Tweet and Where to Find It

If you have been following my tweets lately, you may have noticed an interesting shift. Over the past few weeks, I have become more disciplined and consistent in sharing valuable content with my communities, thanks, in large part, to a new tool I’ve discovered...

Featured on Friday: #BuzzBuilder Chat

We’re just coming off a big book launch week for #LessonsFromChina by @BeauSides, and once again Team Buzz Builder has come through on promotion, posts, reviews, and more. I could say “Thank You” a thousand times and it still wouldn’t be...