Featured on Friday: Bob Tiede

Featured on Friday: Bob Tiede

The online world often seems like it is more self-promotion than promotion of others. We talk about our blogs, our holiday plans, our latest and greatest achievement – it’s the nature of being social, I suppose. However, isn’t it nice when someone...
Featured on Friday: Deb Mills-Scofield

Featured on Friday: Deb Mills-Scofield

Curious about the Featured on Friday posts? Learn more. We are so grateful for all of our clients and their decision to entrust their book launch or social media promotion to us. It’s an honor to be able to stand behind these amazing people and support their...
Featured on Friday: Mike Myatt

Featured on Friday: Mike Myatt

Curious about the Featured on Friday posts? Learn more. If you haven’t picked up on it by now, allow me to let you in on a little secret: we get to know some amazing leadership experts in our work at Weaving Influence. We have the unique opportunity to read...

Featured on Friday: Mark Miller

Next week, we’re celebrating the launch of Mark Miller’s new book, The Heart of Leadership. To get the celebration started, we are honored to host a guest post from Mark for Featured on Friday. If you want to help spread the news about his book launch, use...