To Become Outstanding

To Become Outstanding

Outstanding. Remarkable. Splendid. Awesome. Superb. Great. Amazing. Admirable. Excellent. Wonderful. Superior. Magnificent. Extraordinary. Special. Exceptional. Brilliant. As a new business owner, I’d be beyond thrilled if someone used one of those adjectives to...
Best Book Launch Tips: Gather Tweetables

Best Book Launch Tips: Gather Tweetables

One of your greatest tools in creating excitement for, and interest in, your book is the content from the book itself. Although not every sentence of your book is perfected crafted as a tweet, you likely have many sentences, ideas, concepts, and questions within your...
Decision #4: I Will Keep Going

Decision #4: I Will Keep Going

This post begins with a confession: sometimes I think about quitting. Don’t worry — I don’t think about it in a serious way. I think about it in a wondering way. I wonder what it would be like to drop my kids off at school and come home to a cup of coffee...
Decision #3: I Will Give Everything

Decision #3: I Will Give Everything

This is the 3rd post in a series about decisions for my business in 2013. You can read Decision #1 here and Decision #2 here.  Of all the book titles I’ve considered for the book I dream of writing some day, my top two favorites are: Give Everything and Use...