Search Blogs
Featured on Friday: Reflecting on September 11
"What did we do when September 11 happened?" It was so ironic that my daughter, Tenley, now 20 years old, asked me that recently. Only a few weeks prior, I had spoken about Sepember 11, 2001, to a local reporter who had asked parents to discuss how to share difficult...
Heeding the Lessons of Hermine
Want to know what will make you immediately focus your thoughts on the topic of "preparedness"? A direct hit by a Category One hurricane, that's what! When Hurricane Hermine came ashore near Tallahassee early in the morning on September 2, it was immediately apparent...
Featured On Friday {Fanfare}: New Website for @Ken_Rutsky
When I first spoke with Ken Rutsky, the founder and principal consultant at KJR Asscoiates, Inc., back in the spring, I was excited to hear his ambitious plans for the summer: launch his first book and create a new website. A few months later, I am so proud of the...
Three Keys to a Successful Author Website
It has been nearly six years since I finished school, but I still get that “let's get down to business” feeling this time of year. As the Web Projects Manager at Weaving Influence, a lot of my business these days revolves around websites—the Weaving Influence website,...
Featured on Friday: #ChasingRelevance with @dannegroni
As much as I sometimes hate to admit it, I am a millennial. My generation has such a lousy stereotype: we are (supposedly) lazy with a huge sense of entitlement, always looking for the best deal in work or other realms, desperate for favorable feedback, disdainful of...
Is it Time to Give Your Social Accounts a Refresh?
Even if you don’t have children, you’ve probably noticed the back-to-school sales and first day of school pictures on your Facebook feed. Summer is winding down. Days are getting shorter. Nights are getting cooler. Well, not where I live in Northern Virginia, but I...
Featured On Friday: Meet the Team with @k_giovanoli
You may know Weaving Influence as a [mostly] virtual team. There are, however, a select few who work in-person from the Lambertville, MI office. One of those team members is Kayla Giovanoli, a recent graduate from the University of Toledo. Kayla is one of the younger...
Levers of #Influence
This post is part of our 2016 Team Buzz Builder Guest Blogger series. Today we are pleased to introduce you to David Sparks, author of the inspiring SparkVoice blog. Years ago I took a team position inside of major manufacturing company with no direct reports, but one...
How to Reawaken Your Curiosity and Never Stop Learning
I am a bookworm, no question about it. I learned to read at age 3 and haven't stopped since. Yet when I was recently asked what my favorite hobby was, I hesitated to say reading. Because that word by itself doesn't quite say enough -- after all, do I mean reading...
Featured on Friday: Challenge Yourself with This Week’s #MustReads!
Where has the summer gone?! I'm thankful to not be governed by the school calendar this year, but August still feels like a "transition month" to me. It's summer's last hurrah; everyone's trying to squeeze in one more vacation, and school is gearing up for students,...
Fur, Crystals, and Being More of You
When our CEO, Becky Robinson, went to the Berrett-Koehler Marketing Workshop in San Francisco recently, she came away from a client interaction with one 8-word takeaway that resonated enough to make it to her personal Facebook wall as well as our internal Slack...
Featured On Friday: #WITour2016
I have to say, being part of a virtual team is AWESOME. Not only do I get all the benefits from working from home (from as far as Israel!), but I don't necessarily miss out on the personal interactions that come from a traditional shared work environment because of...