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Featured on Friday: TBB Member @dadofdivas

Featured on Friday: TBB Member @dadofdivas

I could say it 50 or 100 times a week, and it would always be true: without Team Buzz Builder, our book launches would not be as successful. As the Book Launch Director, knowing there are "go to" individuals who will host guest posts, accept books to review, and use...

The #WITeam Says: Happy Birthday @beckyrbnsn!

The #WITeam Says: Happy Birthday @beckyrbnsn!

Three years ago I'd been working with Becky for one month. We were in the process of launching of Dare, Dream, Do by Whitney Johnson, and Becky was ready to step out in faith to start working full-time for her own company - pursuing her entrepreneurial dreams while...

Are You A Thought Leader?

Are You A Thought Leader?

A popular term in today’s digital world of content creation, “thought leadership” is not really a new concept at all. In fact, The Oxford English Dictionary gives its first citation for the phrase in 1887 by describing Henry Ward Beecher as "one of the great...

Featured on Friday: Meet Team Member Christy Kirk

Featured on Friday: Meet Team Member Christy Kirk

Working in a start-up company is not for the faint of heart, and in the summer and fall of 2013 the Weaving Influence team was swimming to keep our heads above water. We were starting to feel the growth pains as one by one our fellow contractors moved on or moved...

The Not-So-Glamorous Parts

The Not-So-Glamorous Parts

My new office space is filled with books and shipping materials today, as we're sending out advance review copies of The Disciplined Leader by John Manning. Shipping and distributing books is something we do to serve our clients. It requires many hands on deck, and we...

Featured on Friday: The Disciplined Leader Author @JohnMManning

Featured on Friday: The Disciplined Leader Author @JohnMManning

One thing about working - even virtually - with strong personalities and visionaries (and don't forget the INTJ - hi there!), is that no one is ever satisfied with the status quo. Despite having 50 book launches under our collective belt, we're always looking for new...

5 Keys to an Amazing Webinar

5 Keys to an Amazing Webinar

I have to admit it -- I’m addicted to webinars. I probably listen to at least one a week, and often it’s two or three. I will sign up for webinars on marketing, healthy living, any subject that piques my interest . . . and of course, I listen in on as many webinars...

Lessons from 50 Book Launches

Lessons from 50 Book Launches

Since early 2012, my team and I have helped to launch 50 books, mostly business/leadership titles. We've worked with a variety of authors, with a combination of first time and veteran authors. We've done a mix of traditionally published and self-published titles. We...

Featured on Friday: The #NewOneMinuteManager

Featured on Friday: The #NewOneMinuteManager

There are a couple of exciting events coming up next week. On Tuesday, May 5th, The New One Minute Manager (a revision of a classic) will be released for sale. There are several folks on the team who read the original and are excited to get their hands on this updated...

What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

It wasn't until a thick envelope arrived in my office via FedEx that the issue of copyright infringement of images came into clear focus for me. When I started blogging in 2009, we rarely incorporated images and I relied on the expertise of the university who owned...

Twitter and the Direct Message Upset

Twitter and the Direct Message Upset

This week Twitter announced a new feature via their blog that has many up in arms. Starting April 20th, users have been given the option to enable Direct Messages, not just from followers--but from anyone. Twitter's hope is to make connecting with others you don't...

Celebrating – Do We Need an Excuse?

Celebrating – Do We Need an Excuse?

I couldn't wait to have an excuse to share these fun photos of our Web Development Manager, John Marcello, jumping in his new Weaving Influence t-shirt. He posted them to our team Facebook page over the weekend and I laughed, joyfully. A t-shirt, with a logo. It might...