Living Our Core Values: Integrity

Living Our Core Values: Integrity

I don’t want to intimidate you, but I think you have the right to know — I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Granted, I received my black belt when I was twelve, and nowadays I would likely topple over trying to do a roundhouse kick… however, my time spent...
Living Our Core Values: Responsiveness

Living Our Core Values: Responsiveness

Merriam Webster defines responsiveness like this: reacting in a desired or positive way; quick to respond. We all probably think about speed when we think about responsiveness, too, but how many of us take the time to make sure our responses are positive? I think a...
Featured on Friday: Susan Fowler

Featured on Friday: Susan Fowler

You might have noticed – it’s book launch season. Up at the main Weaving Influence HQ (a.k.a. Becky’s home office), books are being delivered on a regular basis… and going right back out again to Team Buzz Builders all over the place. Sharon...
Featured on Friday: S. Chris Edmonds

Featured on Friday: S. Chris Edmonds

Last summer I had the opportunity to meet Becky at the Berrett-Koehler Author Co-Op Book Marketing Workshop in Atlanta. During this two day event, Becky teamed up with today’s featured author to talk about ways to create an active community via social media....
Featured on Friday: Mark Babbitt & Ted Coiné

Featured on Friday: Mark Babbitt & Ted Coiné

It really is a social world. Back in early 2012, a friend talked me into getting a Twitter account, and my husband forced me into an upgrade to a smartphone. A month later I was tweeting to some woman named @beckyrbnsn and she was asking me what kind of job I was...