Thankful For: Messy Desk Edition

Thankful For: Messy Desk Edition

I have a growing stack of books on my desk from clients (how cool is that?) Though I try to tidy up my desk a bit each morning, it’s a little messy right now. If you look closely, you might notice that I have two copies of Julie Winkle Giulioni and Beverly...
Thankful For: 5-10

Thankful For: 5-10

My office window is open to the dark morning. All I see is black; I feel cool air drifting in — just enough so that I am comfortable, not enough to send me searching for a sweatshirt. Over the next hour or so, a line of light will appear to illuminate the trees and...
A New Season of Growth

A New Season of Growth

Earlier this week, I  talked with my friend Whitney Johnson about the upcoming back to school season. Her daughter Miranda and my daughter Cami are entering 6th grade. Back to school time holds so much promise and excitement for our children, and for us. What new...
Feeling Fortunate

Feeling Fortunate

I consider myself incredibly fortunate. Earlier this summer I made the leap from team member to team leader. It is most certainly a dream come true. I cherish the relationships that I’m building with our clients. I enjoy teaching and growing with my talented...
Experience #TWIRL

Experience #TWIRL

Have you ever met someone face to face who you initially met through Twitter? That’s #TWIRL — Twitter in Real Life — a phrase coined by Whitney Johnson, the author of Dare, Dream, Do, a client of my company, a mentor to me, a friend. Whitney landed on the phrase...