Everyday Struggles

Everyday Struggles

Though I don’t want to undermine or downplay the serious struggles people face in life, every day has its own everyday struggles. I struggle out of bed in the morning to get to the treadmill. I sometimes struggle with my 6 year old because she doesn’t want...
Embracing the Struggle

Embracing the Struggle

About six months ago, as my team and I wrapped up the launch week of Julie Guilioni and Bev Kaye’s wonderful book, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go, I got an email from author Steven Snyder. I quickly did a search on Amazon for his book. When I saw the title and...
Contagious Inspiration

Contagious Inspiration

Are you an inspiring leader? Jeremy Kingsley’s new book, Inspired People Produce Results, asserts that leaders must provide inspiration to their teams, infusing them with passion and energy to do good work. When a leader provides inspiration, results follow....