Female Firebrands

Have you learned how to recognize the role of privilege at work and how it can be used for positive change? Do you understand what it means to be an informed, empowered advocate for women? This week’s featured book provides wisdom and advice to help you develop...
Our Social Media Wish List for 2020

Our Social Media Wish List for 2020

Every year, social media platforms roll out new features and functionalities. For 2020, here are the new features we would like to see. Are you listening, Instagram? Ability to share content on Instagram Yes, I know, if someone tags an account, that account can share...
Social Media Marketing Trends for 2020

Social Media Marketing Trends for 2020

Social media is an ever-changing landscape, and as we head into a new year and a new decade, we can expect to see some new ideas emerge and some old tactics to gain greater momentum.   Because billions of people use social media daily,  marketers have flocked to the...
This Year, Resolve To Do Less

This Year, Resolve To Do Less

Imagine a big glass jar—maybe an old fashioned Mason jar. Maybe there’s a crusty rubber ring around the top. It has seen quite a few jams, jellies, and pickle batches. It’s constantly being filled and emptied, which is a good thing—after all, this is its purpose. This...
What Makes A Good Year Good

What Makes A Good Year Good

Over a longer than usual lunch, I met with two team members for a year-end review. One of my colleagues said, “This has been a really good year.” It has been, for so many reasons.  We don’t call the year good because it’s been easy, without challenges.  We faced...
Looking for Something New to Read?

Looking for Something New to Read?

Jólabókaflóðið — a.k.a., a holiday for book lovers, originating in Iceland. You may have seen the Anglicized spelling of it floating around social media the last few years, Jolabokaflod, roughly translated to “the Christmas book flood.” The history of this charming...
What Does Gratitude Mean to You?

What Does Gratitude Mean to You?

In this season of thankfulness, here are some thoughts to help you meditate on and practice gratitude—not just this week, but throughout the whole year. “The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.” — Robert Louis Stevenson...