Finding the Right Words

Finding the Right Words

I have always loved language. From a young age, I related to the world—and to myself—primarily through words. Whether that meant cuddling up for hours at a time with one of the many Little House on the Prairie Books or, as I grew older, sneaking out of bed to write in...
Change Your Perspective – Change Your Life

Change Your Perspective – Change Your Life

T.S. Eliot very famously said that “April is the cruelest month.” But I disagree. I think September is the cruelest month – yet also a month with the most promise. The days after Labor Day feel like a slow, sad good-bye: to summer, to long hot days and warm...
Scenes From A Hat

Scenes From A Hat

In a popular comedy show, the improvisational (improv) performers are challenged with acting out a scene to the best of their ability, on the spot (i.e. “at the drop of a hat”). If you think about it, life can sometimes feel like a series of improv skits. Not just...
Getting Traction for a New Blog Site

Getting Traction for a New Blog Site

There’s no quick fix that I’ve found to create fast traction for a blog site. Most of the successful bloggers I know have been consistently blogging and promoting their blogs for years; we’ve never seen anyone achieve overnight success in blogging....
My Piece of Peace

My Piece of Peace

During my recent trip to the USA, my husband and I took a drive to visit Becky and the other local team members in their fabulous new space in Lambertville, Michigan. Besides meeting with team members face-to-face (they are just as amazing and talented in person as in...