by Becky Robinson | Jan 29, 2014 | Leadership
On the center of my bulletin board above my desk, I’ve posted a print out of “The Small Business Success Attitude” by Jim Blasingame. It’s secured, smack dab in the middle of the board, with a red push pin. During the moments when I find...
by Becky Robinson | Jan 28, 2014 | Social Media
If you want to be successful in leveraging LinkedIn, you need to create and execute a plan to increase your connections, every week. If you travel, for business or pleasure, you can use LinkedIn to connect meaningfully with people who live and work in the city to...
by Carrie Koens | Jan 24, 2014 | Book Launch
January started as a very busy book season for our team at Weaving Influence. Just three and a half weeks into 2014, and we’re already gearing up for our third book launch of the year! Although most of our clients books have a common thread – leadership...
by Guest Author | Jan 22, 2014 | Leadership
Or do you tend to yield? Do you give power away to your talented people? Veronika, a manager in a global drug research and development company, woke up one morning and recognized that 20 percent of her employees were doing 80 percent of the thinking. She was concerned...
by Becky Robinson | Jan 21, 2014 | Social Media
Due to the extreme cold, I am completing most of my training runs on the treadmill these days. When the temperature rises above 30, I look for opportunities to run outside, and my favorite spots include our local parks, where I encounter friendly faces, both human and...
by Carrie Koens | Jan 17, 2014 | Influence Building
In the past, I have used this Featured on Friday segment to introduce you to various members of the Weaving Influence team, including Megan, Amy, and Rachel. It’s as fun for me to do these posts as it is (I hope!) for you to read them. As I’ve mentioned...
by Becky Robinson | Jan 14, 2014 | Social Media
If you want to grow your online influence, you need to build a network of relationships and connections. The more relationships you build, and the more significant those relationships become, the more possibility you will be creating — for yourself and others. My most...
by Carrie Koens | Jan 10, 2014 | Social Media
The internet is full of information – some of it helpful, and some of it a complete waste of time. This week, we’re sharing a few of the links that have been helpful or interesting to various members of the Weaving Influence team. Some of them contain...
by Becky Robinson | Jan 7, 2014 | Social Media
I’m training for a marathon. As a result, I’ve added new activities to my calendar, both mentally and in writing. Each weekend, I need to fit in a long run. I typically run outdoors with my friend Laura on Saturdays. This Saturday, we braved snow cover...
by Becky Robinson | Jan 6, 2014 | Inspiration
We all have our stories. Some are obvious and observable, evident and easy to read — others are hidden or plastered in, buried, stuffed, or glossed over. We all carry around those things people wouldn’t know, unless we told them. When people share their stories,...