Search Blogs
Google+ is Going Away…Kind Of
Google+ as a social channel is going away…kind of. Google has announced it’s reorganizing the channel and it’s about to undergo a dramatic change. For most people, this news is a ‘who cares’ announcement because so few people use the social channel. It just never...
Why I Love Book Giveaways (especially Goodreads)
I credit Mark Miller with showing me the value of giving away books. In the time that we've been supporting Mark's work online, we have given away thousands of books. As he has crossed the country speaking, he has given away thousands more. Some people might worry...
Featured on Friday: #TalentMindset Author @StacyFeiner
At this point in the new year, we are well into our season of book launches. We've covered Refire! Don't Retire, The Hidden Leader, Sprinkles, and we're coming to the end of the launch week for Flying without a Helicopter. Four launches in the last four weeks... as...
How to Succeed as a Millennial
These days, you can’t open a magazine or browse the web without seeing a litany of articles and headlines proclaiming the vices of the millennial generation. They’re too self-important. They’re lazy. They’re glued to their screens. They’re not responsible. Today’s...
Featured on Friday: #FlyingWithout Author @ConnellLessons
The majority of our Weaving Influence team reside east of the Mississippi, and if you've been following the weather reports then you will know that most of us have been hit with an Arctic blast of snow and ice. Comfortable companionship was found this week as we...
What You Might Not Know About Amazon Book Rankings, Reviews, and Stock
I spend a fair amount of time stalking my clients' books on Amazon, checking for reviews and rankings. We've now launched more than 40 books in about two and a half years. Here are a few observations I've made through my endless Amazon stalking: Everything Is Relative...
Sprinkled with Magic
In line for The Barnstormer, one of Disney World's kiddie coasters, my daughters and I wondered how we would get onto the new Seven Dwarfs Mine Train ride. We missed our chance for a 20 minute wait during magic hours. We didn't have a Fast Pass. And the ride had been...
The More Things Change
One afternoon in High School, I watched in awe as a friend connected his IBM PC Jr to a touch-tone telephone. Moments later, after a series of loud squawks and whistles, we were staring at the login for the local university’s library mainframe. That was 1982. Then...
Featured on Friday: Keep Jamie Rocking at Home
As far as I can remember, it started with a square of dark chocolate. I first met Maren and Jamie Showkeir at a Berrett-Koehler event in San Francisco during the summer of 2013. In a room where many of the people had long-lasting friendships and collegial...
What Really Matters
Amy, a long-time Weaving Influence team member, lost her mother, Carolyn, last week. In the week or so before her mother's death, she took off some time to plan music and gather photos for her mother's memorial service. She said, wisely, "I don't get a do-over on...
Featured on Friday: #Sprinkles Author @ChipRBell
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm thankful it's Friday. It's been a long week with lots of late nights and the occasional feeling that my eyes might just pop out of my head if I look at a computer screen for one more minute. However, whenever I have found myself...
Featured on Friday: #HiddenLeaders Authors @ScottKEdinger and Laurie Sain
I've defined myself as "a reader" since I was five years old, and am a sucker for Jane Austen (Mansfield Park is my favorite), Agatha Christie (Murder on the Orient Express), and C.S. Lewis (The Four Loves). When my husband found out I would be working with a company...