Search Blogs
Featured on Friday: S. Chris Edmonds
Last summer I had the opportunity to meet Becky at the Berrett-Koehler Author Co-Op Book Marketing Workshop in Atlanta. During this two day event, Becky teamed up with today's featured author to talk about ways to create an active community via social media. While...
Losing Fitness
After running a full marathon this spring, my discipline disappeared. With a half marathon (or two) on the calendar this fall, I am running again, although not without moments of regret about all the fitness I've lost. A summer's worth of neglect — that's all it...
Featured on Friday: Mark Babbitt & Ted Coiné
It really is a social world. Back in early 2012, a friend talked me into getting a Twitter account, and my husband forced me into an upgrade to a smartphone. A month later I was tweeting to some woman named @beckyrbnsn and she was asking me what kind of job I was...
What Evidence Do Your Choices Create?
Yesterday, I started the morning with a happy discovery. I thought I had my whole day booked with calls. When I looked at my calendar, I saw, instead, that I had 3 open hours in the middle of my day with 90 minutes blocked to work on a strategy for a client. Having a...
Featured on Friday: Back to School Webinars!
You've probably caught on to the fact that the team members of Weaving Influence are scattered from Michigan to South America, and from California to the Carolinas. As a virtual team, we have a lot of ways we stay in touch. There's the obvious: emails, phone calls,...
The Big Reveal Isn’t Always Big
He plugs away for countless hours, through discipline and focus, to move things forward. Early mornings, weekends, late nights, from a vacation beach-side in Aruba, my often-unseen collaborator, John Marcello, executes website development magic for our clients. Our...
Featured on Friday: Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller
Late in 2013, a large box arrived on the doorsteps of several Weaving Influence team members, myself included. Within the box we found a thank you note, a gift card, and a giant cow. Once pictures were taken and the laughter subsided in our respective homes around the...
Featured on Friday: Bill Bliss
We have the opportunity to get to know a lot of amazing leaders, coaches, and authors through our work at Weaving Influence. Since I started with Becky in 2012, I've learned a lot - not just about the business, but about myself. No matter what the project or who we...
How Do You Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be? (Four Career Transition Tips)
Daily, unrelenting headaches. Doctor visits. Medication. Exercise. Chiropractic care My husband experimented with every reasonable treatment offered for the headaches that plagued him for months. With no cause determined except stress, he made a big decision to make a...
A Wake-Up Call: Thoughts from Day 2 of a Water Usage Ban
Few of us care about issues that don't impact us directly, at least not in sustained or action-producing ways. In fact, I brushed off a family member's concerns about the drought in California when I visited her last year. She didn't want help with the dishes from...
Of Course I Blog
Talking to some collaborators, they expressed surprise that I blog regularly. Really? My business involves consulting with people about strategies to grow their influence online. The core of my message is that the most important part of anyone's online presence is...
What We Choose
One of the most significant aspects of leading a virtual subcontractor team is the tremendous choice each person has in participating in our work. Each person has chosen to be a part of our team, and chooses in what ways they will participate in the work we do in the...