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What? No Internet on My Flight?

What? No Internet on My Flight?

If I’d known there would be no internet access on this 4+ hour flight, I might have come better prepared to work offline. I wouldn’t have come, as I did, eager for an extended stretch of uninterrupted work time (online). I have a constant battle with my email inbox,...

3 Reasons to Stay Connected Even When Relationships Sour

3 Reasons to Stay Connected Even When Relationships Sour

Living life online means that when serious conflict occurs, you have one of two choices: you can end the relationship and make a clean break (unfriend, un-link, stop following, block) or you can stay connected. I typically choose to stay connected, although I will...

Go Farther, Together

Go Farther, Together

My team is supporting Eric Lowitt this week in his launch of The Collaboration Economy: How to Meet Business, Social, and Environmental Needs and Gain Competitive Advantage. If we want to make a measurable difference through our actions, we must find ways to partner...

How to Find a Mentor

How to Find a Mentor

I received an email from a friend yesterday who talked about her desire for — and difficulty finding — a mentor. I don't have any formal mentors in my life, ones I meet with regularly and have agreements and goals with, but I do have several people who build into my...

Chaos and Mentoring

Chaos and Mentoring

Sometimes we have to be willing to tell the truth, even when it's difficult. For that reason, I am grateful to two valued friends (team members) who recently told me that our business tends towards chaos. In doing that, they each became mentors to me in those moments:...

The Mentoring Sandwich

The Mentoring Sandwich

In the same way that middle-aged adults are often in the sandwich generation, balancing parenting growing families with caring for aging parents, I lately feel like I am smack dab in the middle of a mentoring sandwich. I am mentoring others (sometimes more...

You Are Not a Failure

You Are Not a Failure

You are not a failure. Those voices in your head are vicious — I know, because I have battled them myself. The whispers of self-doubt, the feelings of not measuring up, the belief that you can never do enough. They're lies. The truth is this: you are enough. Your...

The Balancing Act: Being in the Moments vs. Capturing the Moments

The Balancing Act: Being in the Moments vs. Capturing the Moments

I give my clients a lot of advice about how to behave when they're traveling on business. Use instagram. Share photos on Twitter and Facebook. Tweet live while attending events. So now it's time for me to confess that my advice is really hard to follow. It's easy to...

What Will It Take?

What Will It Take?

"What will it take for me to claim my own freedom and create an organization of my own choosing?" Peter Block, Stewardship. What will it take? It will take commitment to do the work, every day, delivering on commitments and fulfilling promises. "I can be of real...

Love First, Then Open the Door

Love First, Then Open the Door

We love our staff. Seriously. Love them. That means that we empower them to take risks, catch them when they are falling, cover them when family needs to come first, push them to overcome their own inhibitions, and celebrate with them when they create greatness....

Best Book Launch Tips: Join Me in Atlanta June 28-29

Best Book Launch Tips: Join Me in Atlanta June 28-29

I'm not super comfortable with video, which inspires me to make a commitment to film and share more. Even so, with the registration deadline to the 2013 Berrett-Koehler Book Marketing event fast approaching, I wanted to film and share a quick book promo tip via video...