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Celebrating X 3

Celebrating X 3

Our website is sporting a new logo as we spend the next few months celebrating the two year anniversary of Weaving Influence. I have been serving clients through this company since January 2012, and added my first subcontractor the next month, but I mark the official...

What To Do When You’re In the Weeds

What To Do When You’re In the Weeds

A lovely creek runs through the ravine behind my home. As spring turns to summer, the paths my husband works hard to clear through the woods can easily become overgrown; keeping the paths open requires regular attention. If we venture off his carefully cleared paths,...

Featured on Friday: #MeetingsMatter

Featured on Friday: #MeetingsMatter

What are you doing on June 4th? If your answer isn't, "Attending the FREE #MeetingsMatter webinar", then listen up because this is a unique and exciting opportunity! On Wednesday, June 4th at 1 pm (EDT), Becky Robinson is hosting a free webinar with Kathryn Heath, one...

Quick Tip: Try Poll Everywhere

Quick Tip: Try Poll Everywhere

Bill Treasurer gave me some great advice regarding how to punch up my first keynote speech. "Use a live poll," he said. "Poll It's easy and it will engage your audience and wow them." His advice? Spot on. I signed up for, added three...

Featured on Friday: Meet Our PR Team

Featured on Friday: Meet Our PR Team

When Becky Robinson started Weaving Influence in 2012, she had a vision for using social media to promote authors and thought leaders. As she grew the team of contractors (you can read her post from earlier this week to see how I joined up), her vision also grew -...

Looking to Hire Great Team Members? Consider Twitter

Looking to Hire Great Team Members? Consider Twitter

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I start (nearly) every day with the same tweet: "Good morning. Who's awake?" Over the years, this tweet has produced some interesting conversations, helped me make some key connections, and provided a way for me to ease into...

Featured on Friday: Meet Team Member Joanna Jones!

Featured on Friday: Meet Team Member Joanna Jones!

You've already met Amy, Rachel, Christy, Elizabeth, and Megan, but today I am so pleased to introduce you to another behind-the-scenes member of our team. You may recognize her name if you've been a part of our recent book launch teams. Joanna is the sweet person...

May 2014 Leadership Development Carnival

May 2014 Leadership Development Carnival

Five years ago, I started blogging about leadership on a blog called LeaderTalk. Many of the bloggers on today's list supported my early efforts. In fact, Dan McCarthy, who generously offered us the opportunity to host this month's carnival, was one of the first...

Featured on Friday: Bob Thompson

Featured on Friday: Bob Thompson

If we were chatting in real life and I asked about your worst customer service experience, I would bet that you could come up with at least one story to share. My "never again" list includes a major airline and a cell phone company. But it can go both ways, and I've...

4 Ways to Make Anything Easy

4 Ways to Make Anything Easy

Midway through the marathon course (26.2 miles), I found myself at the top of what felt like the largest elevation increase on the course, not a BIG hill, but a hill nonetheless. Up that steady incline, I ran with Kate, a woman I met at mile 1 and waved on to run at...

12 Hours Until I #RunToledo

12 Hours Until I #RunToledo

Tomorrow morning, I will achieve a goal I've thought about for nearly 15 years. Months before my 30th birthday, I stepped up my running and began training for a full marathon. My goal at the time was to run a marathon prior to my milestone birthday. I remember waking...

Featured on Friday: 2014 Berrett-Koehler Author Event

Featured on Friday: 2014 Berrett-Koehler Author Event

Last year I had the opportunity to travel to Atlanta for the Berrett-Koehler Book Marketing Workshop. Because the Weaving Influence team works remotely, my time in Atlanta for this event allowed me to actually work next to the "boss lady" (a.k.a. Becky Robinson) for...