Featured on Friday: #BKpedia by @BKPub

Featured on Friday: #BKpedia by @BKPub

Over the last few years we’ve had the remarkable opportunity to work closely with several Berrett-Koehler authors, and the fantastic team at Berrett-Koehler Publishers. If you’ve been involved in the launches for Refire! Don’t Retire, Love ‘Em...
Tips for Building a Social Community

Tips for Building a Social Community

Have you left the “social” out of social media marketing? It’s easy to use social channels as a megaphone to spread the word about a brand, but megaphone marketing doesn’t have much ring to it and delivers very few results. Social works when a brand...
Introducing Hometown Reads!

Introducing Hometown Reads!

I love the work we do with authors because I love books. I’ve always, always loved to read. My mama likes to tell this story of me at age 3, going into my brothers’ room to ask them if they had a book appropriate for a 3-year-old girl. If you love reading...
7 Tips To Rock Your Work-From-Home Experience

7 Tips To Rock Your Work-From-Home Experience

Working from home is great. You can set your own schedule, choose your own surroundings, and wear whatever you want. But it’s not without its challenges. You face distractions from within and without – from family members and pets to erratic schedules, cluttered work...
There’s No “I” in Leadership

There’s No “I” in Leadership

This post is a part of our 2016 Team Buzz Builder Guest Blogger Series. Today we are pleased to introduce you to Jim Lange, President of 5feet20. I feel like the most blessed person on Earth. The reason? I have the incredible privilege of leading monthly leadership...